Controller for rubber band cannon

The idea was to let the cannon take a serial input to control and play with different ways of making a controller for it, maybe one in software, and another in hardware.

Hardware controller

I wanted to use 2 rotery encoders to ajust the cannons aim, and a button to fire it.

In this case i opted to 3D print the panel as the encoders have to be plased at a different deapth compared to the buttons. this spun of yet another project just specifying the panel plate Seen here.

Assembled top view

Top view

top view

bottom view

bottom view

Software for the hardware Controller.

First instinct is to do it with an arduino of some kind, but I will have to see what I have laying around.


the intial comunications with the cannon was just X[0-180]Y[0-180] to set, and -1 to fire. but we will have to see if wa can find something better.